Dust II MarioStyle - Bomb-Defuse Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists from bombing chemical weapon crates. Team members must defuse any bombs that threaten targeted areas. Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the C4 must destroy one of the chemical weapon stashes. Other Notes: There are 2 chemical weapon stashes in the mission. ========================================== de_Dust2_MarioStyle a Counter-Strike: Source experience by DocRock and qUiCkSiLvEr Map Name: de_Dust2_MarioStyle Authors: Docrock with a little help from qUiCkSiLvEr DocRock's email address: docrock10@cox.net qUiCkSiLvEr's email address: quicksilver@qsextreme.com ========================================== LEVEL DESCRIPTION: Based upon the ever popular de_dust2 map, this is the same map but in Mario Style! The map layout is basically the same but a lot cleaner and sharper with no dust clouds. DocRock's conversions and additions to this map: Original Concept, complete retexture of original map, Mario's Castle in the skybox, suggestions and beta test. qUiCkSiLvEr's conversions and additions to this map: Original mario texture conversion to source, all ambient sound placement, texture upgrades, complete overhaul of the NAV system, level fine tuning, bomb-omb model and conversion to source, Bowzer fire and smoke, suggestions, and beta test. ========================================== CONSTRUCTION: base map: de_dust2 by Valve editor used: Source Hammer and Source SDK tools utilities used: known bugs: none at time of release compile machine: Intel 3.2GHz HT with 2GB DDR RAM compile time: ~2.5 Hours total (full/final) ======================================================= INSTALLATION: Unzip de_Dust2_MarioStyle.zip (there should be four files). Place the de_Dust2_MarioStyle.bsp, de_Dust2_MarioStyle.res, de_Dust2_MarioStyle.nav and de_Dust2_MarioStyle.txt in your cstrike\maps folder, typically: C:\Program files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\counter-strike source\cstrike\maps\ ======================================================= OTHER LEVELS BY THESE AUTHORS: please refer to our webpages for more of our maps DocRock www.homestead.com/docrocksmaps qUiCkSiLvEr http://QSextreme.com ======================================================= BETA TESTERS: babykitkat qUiCkSiLvEr DocRock Silly Darth Sailor Wombat ======================================================= DocRock's thanks: to qUiCkSiLvEr - this map could not have been successfully made without your input. You gave 100% to this map, and I know you had other projects going on. You went over and beyond the call of duty on this map. It shows. This map is beautiful. You've done so damn good here. qUiCkSiLvEr's thanks: It was a real pleasure to be able to work with Doc on this map. I hope everyone enjoys it! ======================================================= COPYRIGHT STUFF de_Dust2_MarioStyle.bsp copyright 2008 by DocRock. You MUST NOT distribute this level unless you include this text file WITH NO MODIFICATIONS. Please include the .res file as well so the text description file and nav file will propagate properly during map downloads. This map may ONLY be distributed over the Internet. You are NOT authorized to put this map on any CD or distribute it in any way without my written permission. You are NOT authorized to disassemble and use any portion of this map. Please feel free to email me with any comments and thank you for taking the time to read this and for playing on this map. Enjoy and have a safe day! DocRock and qUiCkSiLvEr