
Banlist Overview Hide Inactive

Total Bans: 9

displaying 0 - 9 of 9 results
MOD/Country Date Player Length
Ban Details
Player serghei topal
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:20867414
Steam3 ID [U:1:41734828]
Steam Community 76561198002000556
Invoked on 10-26-16 13:19
Banlength Permanent (Unbanned)
Unban reason je veux biens deban les cheateur detecté part smac ou même certain hack rconet les insulte
Unbanned by Admin cut-magic
Expires on Not applicable.
Reason 30
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 9 (search)
Blocked (29) serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal
Ban Details
Player serghei topal
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:20867414
Steam3 ID [U:1:41734828]
Steam Community 76561198002000556
Invoked on 10-25-16 15:32
Banlength 1 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-25-16 16:32
Reason Come back in 1 hours
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 9 (search)
Blocked (0) never
Ban Details
Player serghei topal
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:20867414
Steam3 ID [U:1:41734828]
Steam Community 76561198002000556
Invoked on 10-24-16 19:06
Banlength 30 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-24-16 19:36
Reason General Exploit of Game/Map/Server
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 9 (search)
Blocked (0) never
Ban Details
Player serghei topal
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:20867414
Steam3 ID [U:1:41734828]
Steam Community 76561198002000556
Invoked on 10-23-16 18:21
Banlength 10 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-23-16 18:31
Reason General Exploit of Game/Map/Server
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 9 (search)
Blocked (0) never
Ban Details
Player serghei topal
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:20867414
Steam3 ID [U:1:41734828]
Steam Community 76561198002000556
Invoked on 10-21-16 19:14
Banlength 1 d (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-22-16 19:14
Reason Spamming Mic/Chat
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 9 (search)
Blocked (11) serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal
Ban Details
Player serghei topal
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:20867414
Steam3 ID [U:1:41734828]
Steam Community 76561198002000556
Invoked on 10-21-16 16:33
Banlength 1 hr (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-21-16 17:33
Reason !weapons
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 9 (search)
Blocked (0) never
Ban Details
Player serghei topal
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:20867414
Steam3 ID [U:1:41734828]
Steam Community 76561198002000556
Invoked on 10-21-16 15:59
Banlength 30 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-21-16 16:29
Reason !admin
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 9 (search)
Blocked (9) serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal, serghei topal
Ban Details
Player serghei topal
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:20867414
Steam3 ID [U:1:41734828]
Steam Community 76561198002000556
Invoked on 10-21-16 15:07
Banlength 10 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-21-16 15:17
Reason wcs
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 9 (search)
Blocked (0) never
Ban Details
Player serghei topal
Steam ID STEAM_0:0:20867414
Steam3 ID [U:1:41734828]
Steam Community 76561198002000556
Invoked on 10-20-16 18:44
Banlength 30 min (Expired)
Unban reason no reason present
Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
Expires on 10-20-16 19:14
Reason Spamming Mic/Chat
Banned from Please Wait...
Total Bans 9 (search)
Blocked (2) serghei topal, serghei topal
displaying 0 - 9 of 9 results